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Global Soul Academy

The Global Soul Academy supports beautiful souls across the globe live their highest and best life through energy healing, Soul discovery, and practical education for maintaining a positive high vibrational state.


Our Mission

Our mission is to raise the consciousness of individuals and our planet.


We fulfill our mission by offering Reiki Alignments and Akashic Record Reading.  With Reiki, we use divine universal life force energy to unblock our client's chakras so they are able to optimize their physical and emotional health.  As Akashic Record Readers, we help people access their "Book of Life" so they are able to uncover who they are on a Soul level; remove negative energies and life patterns that do not serve them; and ultimately align with their true divine purpose for this lifetime.  The Akashic Records are thought to be the repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, (whether good or bad), in all times; past, present, future. Your Akashic Record is your soul’s journey through the infinite. What we know for sure: You came into this life with purpose. If you've found your way to this website, chances are, you are seeking to discover who you are and live within that purpose.  When you align with who you truly are on a Soul level, you will not only raise your personal vibration, you will also raise the vibration of the planet.   

Cheryl Smith

CEO and Founder of Global Soul Academy

Cheryl Smith is the CEO of Dewlyn Nonprofit Services, a Metro Atlanta based consulting firm, where she helps U.S. nonprofit organizations build sustainability through training, coaching, and grant-writing. As a champion for the nonprofit community, Cheryl supports more than 3,000 nonprofit leaders each year, and she has successfully secured millions of dollars in government and private foundation grants for organizations that she has aligned with. She is also the author of the book, “21 Ways to Fund a Nonprofit;” a nonprofit trainer for SCORE; a referral source for Georgia’s Small Business Development Centers (SBCDs); and a guest speaker for Universities, Collaboratives, and Faith-Based Organizations.


Cheryl is a Reiki Master Teacher and an Akashic Records (Soul)
Reader. As an Akashic Records Reader, Cheryl is able to access a person’s Higher Self/Soul and their personal book of life (Akashic Record) in order to help them understand their soul contract, spirit guides, karma, and special gifts so they can heal their life and align with their Divine purpose here on Earth. Broadly, Cheryl’s specialty is building capacity in people and helping them to reach their highest and best potential.

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