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The Akashic Records

Everything that has ever happened, is happening, and can happen is recorded in the Akashic Records.  The insistence of such energetic records has been known by people worldwide and is called by various other names, including the "Book of Life"


What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is derived from the word “Akasha.” Akasha is a Sanskrit word which literally means sky. The Akashic Records, therefore, is an energic library believed to be located within the 5th, 7th, and 8th etheric dimensions, and contain all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future for all entities and life forms, including humans. Although sacred information is stored within the Akashic Records, this nonphysical library is not associated with any religion. Rather, the connection within most religions and spiritual traditions is that of divine memory or divine awareness.

Who can access the Akashic Records?

Each soul has their own unique record that contains information about their soul since its inception. This information may be accessed by an individual seeking information regarding their soul; or with permission, another may access the information for you. In all cases, any person wishing to enter the Akashic Records, must be granted permission by the Akashic Record Keepers. And before being given access to a record, the Higher-Self (soul) for that record must also grant permission to the seeker. This is true even if the human seeker and the Higher-Self are one. Your Higher-Self may or may not grant you access to your own record or only grant access to information that you are ready for. Your level of consciousness and vibrational frequency play a role in this decision.

Open Book

What does your Akashic Record contain?

Your Record includes where your soul originated; all the earthly (and non-earthly) lifetimes that you have experienced; the skills and talents you’ve developed; life lessons that you’ve agreed to work on in each life; lessons mastered and lessons you’re still working on; who guides and protects you in the spirit realm, and so much more!


One of the key motivations for souls coming to incarnate here on Earth is for spiritual evolution and learning through “life lessons.” We preplan each life and our life lessons to attract people, situations and experiences which help us to explore that lesson. We work on life lessons across lifetimes until they are mastered. It may take one or more lifetimes to master a single lesson.

How Does Cheryl Access Akashic Records?

Cheryl raises her energic vibration to connect to her Higher-Self (Soul). Once she reaches a benevolent Soul level with pure intentions (only), she can request entrance into the Akashic Hall of Records, meet with other Souls and with permission, access the Book of Life for the person she is reading for.

Sitting on a Bench

What does Cheryl need to acces your record?

  1. Your permission.

  2. Your Soul’s permission.

  3. Your current legal name.

  4. Your original “birth” name.

  5. Your birthdate.

  6. City and State of birth.

  7. Finally, permission from the Akashic Record Keepers to access your Record (or Book of Life).

Schedule your Soul Reading today.

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