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Akashic Record Reading

Discover your soul gifts, find your natural talents, uncover shadow areas, learn about your life lessons, explore your past lives or get information on your current incarnation. All this and more can be found in your Akashic Records, which contain the energetic records of all the souls in the universe.

What's included:

Yoga at Home

Soul Identification

  • Original or Walk-in Soul

  • Service Polarization

  • Your Soul Age

  • Your Soul Aura Color

  • Your Soul Type

  • Soul Mastery

Buddha Statue

Soul Groups and Guides

  • Soul Spiritual Affiliations

  • AAA Spirit Guides (Archangels, Ascended Masters, and/or Ancestors)


Soul Contract

  • Karmic Agreements (Challenges that you’ve agreed to experience and overcome during this lifetime)

  • Life Lessons (Opportunities for growth that you preplanned)

  • Spiritual Talents (Gifts you’ve acquired over many lifetimes)

  • Physical Talents (Gifts that you have or will acquire during this lifetime)

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Current Life Check In

  • Remaining karma

  • Level of Consciousness

  • Spiritual Alignment (to your divine purpose)

  • Chakras (which chakras are blocked)

  • Spirit Attachments (whether you currently have negative, distracting, or low vibrating spirits attached to you)

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Summary of Next Steps

  • Feng Shui Analysis

  • Recommendations for overcoming karma

  • Recommendations for balancing chakras

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Complimentary Consultation

  • This is an optional service for clients that have questions about their report.

  • The call duration is 30 minutes via Zoom!

It is important to note that while our energy work may complement medical treatment, it does not replace it.  You are encouraged to seek out the advice and treatment of a licensed medical practitioner for any and all medical concerns.

Additional Information Add Ons

Add on to your full report!

Past Lives

  • Previous Solar Travel (to other planets, galaxies, or universes)

  • Past Lives on Earth (when and where you first incarnated and the last incarnation)

  • Past Race/Culture/Religion

  • Past Life Check (for incarnations during Ancient Egypt, Jesus of Nazareth era, American Slavery,and Wars)

  • Past Life Socio-Economic Status’

  • Past life Family Affiliation (which current family/loved ones were also in past lives)

*Must be purchased with a full reading

Life Between Life Planning

  • Your Soul’s Reason for Incarnating

  • Spiritual Essence (how much of your Soul’s spirit did you plan to bring into this life)

  • Personality Architecture (how and why you built your precise personality for this life)

  • Life Challenges (which challenges you planned to experience such as homelessness, major illness, near death experience, poverty, etc.)

  • Pre-Planned Birth Details (why you selected your name, day of birth and month of birth)

*Must be purchased with a full reading

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Akashic Record Healing Consultation

One hour consultation to help clients develop a healing plan to overcome karmic patterns and beliefs
using physical and spiritual talents; to connect with their spirit guides; and, to realign their life in harmony
with their divine human purpose.


Recommended sessions ~ 3 to 6.

*Must be purchased with a full reading

Other Services


Energetic Clearing

Remove negative energy and spirit attachments and clear chakras

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Distant Reiki Healing Session

Distant Reiki is an energy healing treatment that is delivered remotely.  Remote sessions are used to balance all chakras and send energy to areas of concern. For example if you are experiencing pain in your body.  Sessions typically last 30-45 minutes. 

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Psychic Fair Mini Session


  1. The star system your soul originated in

  2. Your soul's aura color

  3. Your soul's age

  4. Your soul group (the type of soul you are)

  5. Who's guiding you (spirit guides)

  6. Whether you have blocked chakras

  7. Your current vibration according to the Human Frequency Scale

  8. Three yes or no questions that you'd like to ask your Higher Self.

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